Grandmother summary

                                             -Ray Young Bear
          In the poem grandmother the American Indian poet,Ray Y.Bear, draws a picture of a grandmother all loving,all inspiring.It is a nostalgic poetry,written in a first person narrative. He's grandmother would wear a purple scarf round her neck and a plastic shopping bag in her hand. She was quite remarkable that, the poet could recognize her from distance far away.
If the poet saw her distance far away he could tell that she was her grandmother. She would come home working in the field and wash her hands. They were wet and had the smell of roots(ginger,garlic, onion,etc.). She would put her hands on his head and caress it loving way. Although they were wet,they would be warm because of her love. Sometime the poet would go to the grave and imagine to have heard a voice coming from the graveyard. He could feel that her words were moving smoothly inside him like a stream. The poem express not only the poets love and respect word Grandmother but uses Grandmother as an epitome for native Americans grandmother. The poem is Rich in the use of symbols and images that dreams out the picture of grandmother and her native culture.
The poet has used all his sensory perception to understand the greatest of her grandmother. The poet uses his eyes to identify her grandmother shape,her purple scarf and her plastic shopping bag. Besides this the poet uses his good sense of ear to hear her words in the land of his origin. In this way the poet has successfully drawn a picture of her grandmother of various images. To have a universal appeal.

Tell me in comment that how much you love your grandmother.


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